Saturday, August 28, 2010


Normally this would be a long run today, but as I mentioned on Tuesday, we're watching another couple's three children today while the wife does a triathalon (they're watching ours when we run the half-marathon).  We have two families that we regularly trade long workouts with, which is really nice. 

So today, since I was up at 4:45 am to go over there while their kids were sleeping, we opted to swap the long weekend run with the shorter midweek run. I was hoping I'd still have time to squeeze in an extra few miles, but I don't think it will happen, so...I'll have to be content with my three.

Today I ran a trail that I haven't run in about four years (to a nearby lake)--and while I was running it I remembered why!  Part of it is just a deer trail, barely room to put one foot in front of the other, and I'm pretty sure it was completely lined with poison ivy.  And then when it opened up, I was running over mud flats and sinking in.  Awesome.  I'll stick to my regular trails from now on, since that definitely slowed me down.

STATS:  3 miles, 8:33/mile, hilly, muddy

As a sidenote, I spent an hour yesterday afternoon (while the kids were napping, when I should have been doing something productive) reading running blogs.  Then I moped around the rest of the day feeling like a loser because I'm not training for a marathon.  I really, really want to run a marathon.  I just keep having to remind myself that I'm barely finding time to run 20 or 25 miles a week; I don't know how I would double that.  Sigh. 

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