Saturday, July 31, 2010


There's something just wrong about getting up at 6 am on a Saturday to go run in the drizzle, but up we got.
My running buddy came over at 6:15 to watch our kids (we're trading back and forth; I'm going over there tonight) so that Neil and I could go together.

This was our first long run; we ran 3 miles down to campus and 3 miles back.  It was beautifully cool for a change, and thanks to the sprinkling rain, it felt like practically zero humidity.  We ran all the hills we could find, including the big one by campus.  The elevation change is 135 feet; the elevation change on the first half-marathon hill looks to be about 150 feet, so I'm hoping that if we just keep running this hill every week that the half-marathon hill won't be so bad. 

Actually, that hill was much easier than I expected.  I'm hoping this is a good sign--I didn't ever feel like I needed to stop and walk, and I didn't have any cramps or twinges in my legs.  The callus on my left foot started to bother me at the end of the run, so I'm wondering if I should go see if there's something I can do about that...

We went pretty slow this morning, since we were both tired (and did I mention a bunch of hills?).  I'm going to calibrate my Nike sensor this week so that I can actually start telling how fast we're going, instead of checking watches every so often.

STATS:  6 miles, a little under an hour but I'm honestly not sure

Friday, July 30, 2010


Another 3-miler today, same trail.  A little slower, since I was pretty tired...

STATS:  3 miles, 26ish minutes

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Another training run today, but again, with Neil--nice to be with him, although both of us were groggy enough that we didn't really talk much.  We cut across a field near our house, looped the bog, then ran through the woods trails.  It was hot and muggy and the trail was littered with all kinds of branches from the most recent storm, so our pace wasn't as quick as it would have been on a level track, but I wanted to run more hills, so the woods were good for that.

I'm wondering if I should bump up the "recommended" mileage to my normal mileage--I feel like I'm backtracking by only running 3 miles where I'm used to doing 5.  Then again, I'm adding in another 2 runs a week--one speedwork and one long run, so I guess it all works out.  I've also been going to bed pretty late with my family here, so I've been tired enough that the short runs are very welcome. 

STATS:  3 miles, hilly trail runs, 26 minutes for 8:40/mile

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Happy birthday to me!  I started it off bright and early running 400 meter repeats.  Since my family was here, Neil and I were able to go together--which was fun.

STATS:  5x400 repeats

Monday, July 26, 2010


First day of half-marathon training, hurray!!

Best part:  we were only supposed to do a three-mile run today.  Three miles!!  So short!!  It was like a vacation.  Seriously, it was awesome.  I ran right up the first hill grinning to myself and thinking, "Haha, I get to turn around in half a mile!"

STATS: 3 miles, 26 minutes, about 8:40 per mile (not counting the time we spent waiting at the stoplight, so maybe more like 8:25/mile?)  Low hills on bog loop trail.

Friday, July 23, 2010


SO hot today!  We have a severe heat warning here, and I could already feel it at 6 am.  It was pretty miserable.  I read on that you should slow your pace thirty seconds a mile for every 5 degrees over 65, so we slowed it down today and it was still hard to breathe through the heat and humidity. 

My running partner is still recovering from vacation, so I ran another 1.16 miles when I got home so that I could get in some more miles and pick up my pace.

STATS:  5.16 miles, no idea on pace because we stood around talking afterwards.  I am really excited for my birthday present so I can track my pace!!!  (I did run a lot faster when I got home...)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


No run today--the 24 gnat bites I got while picking beans after my Monday-morning run ended up being a bit problem--apparently I'm allergic to gnats.  So I'm doped up on antihistamines and wobbling my dizzy way around the house...running is not in the cards today. 

Monday, July 19, 2010


A pretty leisurely run this morning--my running buddy is home now and it was her first run in a month, so we didn't really push. 

It was hot and miserable and it felt like running through an oil slick at 6:30 am.  When I got home I picked beans for twenty minutes and accumulated about 20 new insect bites.  Argh!  So ready for fall's cooler temperatures...

STATS:  Four miles, easy run, not sure on time but it was pretty slow...

Friday, July 16, 2010


I ran outside this morning for the first time in 3 weeks--my running buddy didn't show up, but I was glad I'd gone anyway.  It's good to have my run over by 7 am.

I really wish I had a GPS watch or some way of tracking my pace.  This morning I ran 4 miles in about 35 minutes, which more than a minute and a half slower than I run on the treadmill.  I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's frustrating to add that extra thirty seconds per mile, because I KNOW I could run faster if I knew, you know?  I don't want to shell out the $300 for a GPS watch, however, so I think I'll look into more affordable options.

In other news, since I was running by myself this morning I ran on a path near the road, rather than the woods.  And surprisingly enough, there are people driving by at 6:30 am who are more than happy to honk and catcall.  Which after three kids, is kind of good for my self-esteem, in a weird sort of way.

STATS:  4 miles, 8:45 per mile, flattish paved course

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

need another blog

Do I really need yet ANOTHER blog?

Probably not, but I want someplace to record my running info so I don't bore everyone on my regular blogs.

I signed up this morning for two more races:  the Indy half-marathon on October 16th and a 10K on Sept. 18th. 

I have about two weeks before I need to start hard-core training for the half-marathon.  My running buddy has been out of town for three weeks, so I haven't been doing my regular 5-mile runs outside.  Instead, I've been working on speedwork and hills on the treadmill inside.  Boring and I hate the treadmill and I hate running at home with the kids running around (always makes me feel guilty) but hopefully I'll be faster and stronger when I get back outside!

Today I'm doing an easy run:  4 miles with alternating hill intervals (level 4 and level 0) every two minutes at 7 mph (roughly 8:34 per mile).

My half-marathon goal time is 1:55, which works out to about 8:46 per mile.  If I can run 8-minute miles on the flat parts and 8:30 miles on the hills during training, I will be in great shape for my goal pace.  Right now I can run about two and half miles at 8 minutes per mile before I need to slow it down to 8:30 miles; the hills courses I've just run at 8:34 throughout.  I can tell I definitely need to do more hills, because it is not very fun at all. 

Stats for today:  4 miles (treadmill), hills course level 1, 8:34 per mile.