Saturday, August 13, 2011


This is the farthest I've run in the last ten months (since that half-marathon I ran in my first trimester).  And it was hot--yuck!  The weather really cooled off so it was kind of a shock having it comparatively hot (plus let's be honest, I'm not one who loves running in the evening).

Neil and I ran together which was great--we haven't been able to do that since December.  It was really nice to spend some time on the trails with him, even if it wasn't the best performance run ever--it was hot enough that we stopped twice for water and then probably every mile or mile and a half we walked for a minute to just try to keep our core temperatures down (Neil was pretty bushed by the end of the run since he has been sick and hasn't exercised much since Luke was born, but he was a trooper and stuck it out!)  We also ran a LOT of hills--4 miles on the roads and 2 miles through the woods. 

6 miles, not sure on pace--probably around 9ish?

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