Monday, September 6, 2010


Happy Labor Day!  Mine started off a lot earlier than I'd like for what is supposedly a "vacation" day for the rest of America (goodbye Neil, have a nice day at work...).

On the other hand, running felt great today.  My iPod had a dead battery, so I wasn't worrying about pace (which is good because when I started running the first few strides, I really felt the last two runs).  It was super dark the whole way and cold, but we talked about skiing the entire time and the miles flew by.  I am SO grateful to have my running friend!

STATS:  4.5 miles

P.S. When I got home, Jooj was crying because she'd just woken up from a nightmare about a monster that escaped from the zoo and chased her and bit her on the backside.  She was rubbing her little flowered pants in remembered fear.  Is that not a sad way to wake up when you're three?

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