Saturday, September 25, 2010


Ten long, hard, painful miles tonight.

We had our friends' children overnight, and it was an exhausting day (their parents picked them up at 6 pm this evening after dinner).  I was dreading the run all day.  And it was pretty bad--both Neil and I were just tired and worn out.  Running in the evening is always really hard for me anyway, but today was especially difficult.  The first five miles were pretty good, then we stopped and got a drink and it started raining.  And it was completely dark by this time.  So it was raining and dark and cold (55 degrees, which is normally pleasant but in the dark and rain was a little chilly). 

My knees and arches were aching by the time we finished the next four.  We needed to get back to relieve the friend who was watching our kids (did I mention we watched their kids too last night, so we had 9 kids?) and so then I ran the last mile on the treadmill.  It was a really miserable mile, but it was standing between me and my no-missed-runs record for training for this race.  Kind of like how I didn't miss a single day of early-morning seminary until the very last day of junior year, when I had a required field trip that left at 5:00 AM.  I guess it's a mental thing.

Sidenote:  Neil is at the store right now buying bacon.  I have been craving BLTs since I picked tomatoes earlier today and realized that it's a long time until next summer's tomatoes, since we've quit buying them from the grocery store for the last couple years.  I have had bacon exactly twice in the last two years (on my birthday in 2009 and on my sister's birthday this June while we were camping--the burned nasty I had at IKEA doesn't count) so I am really looking forward to this.  There's very little I miss meat-wise about being vegetarian, but I do miss bacon. And sausage.  (you know, those super-healthy high-quality meats.)

STATS:  10 miles; deliberately did not time

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