Tuesday, May 12, 2015


I was planning to run while we were gone, but I overestimated the opportunity to go running while camping with five small children who woke up at the crack of dawn and went to sleep at 10 PM. Just not something where I could leave Neil alone with the kids--and a fire!!--so I hope that all the hiking counted instead. We drove 8 hrs on Thursday, spent four hours at Dollywood, spent the next entire day at Dollywood, hiked 4.5 miles Saturday, 4.4 Sunday, and 3 on Monday, then drove home Tuesday and I ran 4 miles after the 8-hr drive and all the unpacking and cleaning up...man am I tired! Honestly, I don't know if I could have done much running while we were gone; my ankle was really hurting for the first two days and I was having some IT band issues the second couple of days (all the trails were steep, rutted, and full of stones, so it was actually pretty exhausting hiking up with a toddler strapped to my back!). Definitely got in some good cardio even if it wasn't running.

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