Saturday, February 2, 2013

28 weeks

So my ligament pain is quite a bit better if I cinch up my support belt so it's almost painful.  Not that it's super comfortable either way, but bearable!  The thing I'm struggling with right now is mostly just pace--I had slowed down enough with all the ligament awfulness trying to see if that would help that it's hard for me to get back up to speed now.  I wanted to do a faster run today, so I started out faster than I have been lately, but apparently it takes me a couple of miles to really feel good, so it's easier for me to run faster at the end than at the beginning.  Weird, I know.

Started at 10/mile, dipped down for a couple of minutes to 11/mile to get a breather, then back up for the next mile, then back down again.  Stayed mostly up for most of the run, and ended at 9:13/mile.  Would have been faster, but I had to stop three times to take care of Luke, who is sick and apparently didn't understand that he was supposed to be napping (he ended up sitting on my bed watching me finish the last mile), so all of the time to get the treadmill back up to speed ate away at my average pace.

4 miles, avg pace somewhere between 10/mile and 10:10/mile.  Ran regular runs Monday and Wednesday; yoga Tues/Thurs (took Friday off because it was a CRAZY day and there was no time for anything).

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