Tuesday, March 20, 2012

3/19 & 3/20

4 miles yesterday (one water stop) at 8:49 pace; another 4 miles today (two stops--one after just one minute to restart my laptop and another at 2.8 for water) at 8:55.  Totally exhausted today--it was REALLY hard to run (it's 10:30 and I've graded 16 midterm projects in the last two days, plus everything else I usually have going on).  I still have to do my PT exercises, put away laundry, prep for tomorrow, mop the kitchen, ice, shower, etc. I am totally worn out.

I think I am going to try going back to my normal 5 miles 4 times a week.  I really feel like my knee needs the extra rest day; it's aching right now.  And let's face it--there's no way my knee will be in half-marathon shape in another two months, so I think right now I just need to focus on 20 miles at a steady pace until I feel good there and not push for more or faster times.  Meh.

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