Thursday, March 15, 2012


PT yesterday & fitted for a knee brace--that thing is a beast.  It looks like a corset for your knee--there are all these reinforced bits and it goes from my lower thigh to my upper calf (I'm guessing it's at least 14 inches long?).  And it is less than comfortable (understatement of the year).  I can run in it, but I can't bend my knee enough to do a standing quad stretch--it is pretty restrictive. But if it helps...

Anyway, the PT verdict is that I need to just run slowly and focus on getting pain-free before I try to get faster.  I'm also wondering if I should not be running 3 days in a row...we'll see how the brace goes.  And she checked my hips yesterday and didn't find any discrepancies, so it sounds like that problem was just the mixed-up old shoe.

4 miles yesterday, stopped 2 minutes in to readjust the brace and then at 3 miles because I was dying for a drink.  So 8:52/mile with the treadmill slowdowns; 8:37 without.

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