Saturday, April 9, 2011

5K race recap

I did it!  So glad I did.  I prayed a lot beforehand about running it, and I felt that if I took it slow and didn't try to push myself the way I normally would, things would be okay. 

When I got to the race site this morning, a police officer told me I had to go find somewhere else to park, which was totally contrary to what the race organizers had said.  Aaaaahhh!!  I found a parking spot up by one of the fraternities about a quarter-mile away, and started off.  I asked a volunteer at the site if I could borrow a phone so I could call Neil and tell him that he'd have to park elsewhere, as he was planning to meet me at the end with the kids.  While I was dialing, the cannon went off and the race started!  So I quickly finished the call, jogged over to the starting line, and managed to wedge myself in behind a woman with a seeing eye dog and a guy in a wheelchair.  Everyone was walking, and it took me awhile to weave my way through and get up with the runners.

The very beginning of the race was a super-steep downhill.  I know some people (Neil, for instance) hate downhills, but I LOVE them!!  It's never bothered my knees, and I always feel a huge energy burst going downhill, so this was a great start for me.  A lot of people were walking down because the grade was so steep, which helped me to get ahead of the pack a bit.  It was pretty cold and sprinkling a bit, but I just was so happy to be running this that I didn't mind. 

The first mile was pretty easy--down the streets by campus and totally flat.  When we turned at the end of the first mile, we hit the looooong uphill that lasted for the next mile.  I ran up most of it, but I told myself that I HAD to stop about halfway up at the speed limit sign and walk.  The last time I ran up a hill I had pretty bad contractions afterwards that lasted for a long time, and I wanted to avoid that, plus I knew how worried my mom and Neil were about me pushing too hard, so I made myself a promise that I would walk.   I felt kind of weird just stopping the run and letting all these people pass me, but I also felt like it was a good compromise.  I walked for three or four minutes until the hill started leveling out again, and this gave me time to notice how tight my muscles were from the uphill.  Yuck! 

When I started running again, my legs felt AWFUL.  I told myself I'd run until the end of the song and then reassess, at which point I hit the lone water stop, paused to drink my little Dixie cup, realized there was only a single mile to go, and started off strong again--the leg pain had worked itself out. 

I ran the last mile at a pretty good clip.  It was great to be passing people consistently again and did a lot for my motivation.  The rain had cleared up, there was a brisk breeze, and I felt so great despite the gray cloudiness of the day.  During this last mile, I just felt so much gratitude for the healthiness I've been able to enjoy throughout most of this pregnancy and that I was able to reach this goal of running one final race a few weeks before my due date.  I was also really excited to see my family at the end, since I've never had anyone to greet me at the finish line before!  I started picking up speed as I rounded the last mile marker and entered the finish chute, at which point I saw Neil and the kids running towards the finish.  I yelled to Abigail and they all turned around and started waving like crazy.  It was such a great ending to the race and such a perfect start to the day.

My final time was 32:02, which I was happy with (the first mile was somewhere between 9 and 9:30 I think?)  It's not going to win me any records, but at 35 weeks pregnant and with walking 3 or 4 minutes of those 32, I was pleased.  And more than anything, I felt like this race was a great culmination to the last 8 months of runs and everything I've battled through to get to this point--still running!! 

the circled one is me, just before crossing the finish line


  1. You go! That's amazing to me that you're running while pregnant. That is inspiring to me to get out and exercise no matter what!

  2. Congrats! You are an inspiration. With both my girls I ran till 28 weeks - but never THAT far at the end or EVER that fast. Next time I'm pregnant I want to try for even longer - you've proven it's possible!!!

  3. Wow, that is really really amazing! Like the others have said, so inspiring! You look great for having 5 (ish?) weeks left!
