Monday, September 28, 2015


Well, this seems to be the month where my training is not going so well. A couple of weeks ago I did my LR early in the week and then just got really sick and dizzy and whatnot during/ was awful. I ended up that week with only 32 miles instead of the 43 planned. Back on schedule the next week and got in my 55, including another 20, but the pain in my leg that's been bothering me was getting worse and worse. Last week I ran 5 recovery on Monday (with Nate in the jogging stroller) and then got up at 6 the next day to do 9--it was awful. My leg hurt SO bad and I was having all these shooting pains and stumbling...I ended up going to the ER the next day to make sure it wasn't a blood clot (since my sister had a pulmonary embolism last year and I found out I have a genetic clotting disorder). The ultrasound was clear, but I took the rest of the week off from running trying to figure out what was causing the pain.

Still not sure, but I emailed Stacie (who is the miracle PT who fixed me up last time I had IT band syndrome), and she gave me some stuff to try. So 13 running last week, plus two yoga sessions, 7 miles on the bike (with Nate) and then 3 hours hiking on Saturday at a state park. And I've been rolling my leg so much with the foam roller/tennis ball that I am literally bruised from hip to toes.

6 today with a 1-mile warmup. The first three miles were pretty painful and so I stopped, rolled my calf on the tennis ball, and that made a huge difference. We'll see where we go from here. Today was supposed to be 8 but I just didn't have the time and I don't want to push it too much right now.

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