Saturday, June 1, 2013


Hmm, it's been awhile since I've updated.  I spent 1.5 hours mowing the lawn on 5/22 and didn't run (so exhausted by the end!) that day; I know I ran on 5/24 and I think it ended up being 5 miles because all three of the boys miraculously slept at the same time.  Can't remember if I ran the next day or not, but I don't think I did.

Ran 4 miles on the roads on 5/27.  I was visiting my parents this past week so I ran to my old high school and back.  On Tuesday I walked a mile with the kids, then mowed 2/3 of my parents' lawn (my dad mowed the other 1/3 while I was putting my kids in bed), then ran half a mile around the block to get the grass off my running shoes.  I was hoping to work out more that night but I had to feed Nathan, then it started thunderstorming, and then Nathan was up like FOREVER and then there was a tornado.  On Wednesday I did 4 miles on the elliptical and that was pretty intense because I wasn't used to it; it took me about 4 minutes longer than my run on Monday.  Nothing Thursday because my car had a flat tire and it took all my workout time to get that fixed.  Drove home on Friday, so no workout in the morning, and then spent another 1.5 hours mowing the lawn, then walked half a mile with the kids.  Saturday (6/1; today) walked through the woods with the kids for an hour and then ran 4 miles this afternoon.  Not very fast because I'm exhausted today and I had a full-blown panic attack earlier.  I think it ended up being about 9:35/mile?  I had to stop at 1.4 miles to feed Nathan.

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