Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This is so frustrating!  I just am not loving running these days.  I was planning to run yesterday and try to do some speedwork but my hip was hurting so much that it was painful to stand or walk, so I ended up soaking it out in a super hot bath instead.

I ran late tonight--I HATE running at night because I'm so exhausted, but I've been grading all the projects from both of my classes this week and so I'm short on time (grading during naptime rather than running because I dread grading so much that I try to get it out of the way first).  Anyway...

ran 4 miles, then stopped to switch laptops (I was watching Hulu on Neil's laptop because he ran first so I used his laptop while he showered, then stopped to switch to my [ancient] laptop when he was ready to work).  Ran another mile.

5 miles; just under 9:00/mile.  I hate how slow I'm getting.  Stupid knee.  Stupid treadmill breaking and being sick.  And STUPID PHYSICAL THERAPY that takes an HOUR every day and means I have that much less energy to run.

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