Friday, April 22, 2011


During today's run I decided to try a few different things.

First, I ran at my regular speed (9:50/mile).  That worked, but it started to get uncomfortable after about half a mile, so I walked for a couple minutes, then ran another half mile, then walked another two minutes.

Then I took my speed down to 10:54/mile.  And ran for another 2.1 miles before I started getting enough nerve twinges in my leg that I walked it out for three minutes, then ran the remaining .9 miles to finish out the four miles (then walked to cool down and finish out five miles.  I should explain that I only count running miles in the 4 miles, and walking breaks are then counted in the last cool-down mile to bring the total up to five).

So much as I'd like to keep my speed up, I think for now I'm going to run at a slower speed so that I can keep endurance up instead, since that always seems to be harder to regain than speed.  And hopefully once the baby is born the speed will come back more quickly, since I'll be considerably lighter and have more lung capacity!!

Best of all:  I honestly enjoyed the run today and felt like I could have kept going for another couple of miles--no fatigue!!  Hurray!!!

STATS:  5 miles; 1 @ 9:50 mile, 3 @ 10:54/mile, 1 @ 17:08/mile (walking to cool down)

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