My big debate right now is do I run the 5K on Saturday, or not? I walked the course with my mom last week and there's a pretty good hill (one that I dreaded running up during half-marathon training when I was NOT eight months pregnant). It's about 6/10 of a mile uphill at a decent grade--not super steep, but one that is substantial enough to warrant use for hill training. Ho-hum. We'll see. I haven't run on the road since December, which is my other hesitation...but I am really tempted to run this, because I've been motivating myself to keep running with this 5K in mind!! (Does anyone even read this blog anymore, or am I talking to a void?)
I've been really low-energy this week...I stayed up too late (accidentally) on Monday night reading and it's been killing me ever since. Last week I ran my 12 and then walked another 9 and my legs started aching a little bit, so I'm glad that's eased itself out now...I'm starting to have more shooting sciatic nerve pain in my back (in the evenings, not when running) and some other weird pain in my hips towards the end of my fun. There's that.
My run today went pretty well--I ran 3.35 miles and then stopped to take care of Jooj, then finished out the 4. Walked another mile to cool down.
STATS: 4 miles; 9:50/mile
Do it. Walk up the hill if it helps. If nothing else it should be fun watching the looks people give you.