Wednesday, March 29, 2017


4 late last night around my parents' neighborhood after getting the kids in bed--so nice to see the stars again!!

Easy 3 today after driving home--well, faster than it should have been, but I felt appropriately clunky and plodding even though my Garmin told me I was running faster than my aerobic TM pace that feels hard. Why is running outside against wind so much easier than running inside?! Last run before the race Saturday--I'm going to try to rest the next few days after driving 800 miles in the last five days, which totally killed my leg!

PT and athletic trainer this morning--really interesting session (this is the total miracle worker that I saw last time when I was having so many knee issues after Luke was born--she wedged me in this morning totally last-minute when my mom called her last night while I was running). They both agreed that I should follow up with imaging with the orthopedic doctor I saw last time (although I just checked and he's no longer with the practice, which I guess is a good thing since I wasn't impressed by him, but may now take longer to get in to somebody new). They also agreed that the majority of the issues I have with the right tibia are coming from the calcification in my ankle from a 20-yr-old injury. (Sidenote: what I really love about this particular PT is that she works SO hard to figure out what's causing the issues rather than just saying, oh, it's broken, quit running and wear a boot, which is all I got from the ortho). Anyway, my pelvis is tilted and rotated, my peroneal muscles & tendons are inflamed in both legs, but worse in the right, my feet are super super tight and I have basically zero flexion in my ankles and feet. So that all means that my feet aren't taking any of the compressive force when I run, and it all gets transferred to my tibia, and my glutes aren't firing because my pelvis was so rotated, and my calves and quads are working too hard. She also said that once my glutes are firing again my weight loss should really pick up, which would be exciting--I've lost 30 pounds since baby Matthew was born, but it's plateaued and I still have more I want to lose before Chicago training kicks in.

She worked quite a bit on releasing stuff today and got my pelvis about 60% of the way back to where it needs to be (during which I mashed my face into the table and used all my labor breathing exercises so I wouldn't scream like a scalded cat!! Dang that hurt!!!), but my spine is still popping every time I move the right leg. So I've got a bunch of exercises and rolling and icing to do. I'm cleared to run Saturday, but I think after that I'm going to cut way back on mileage for a month and just really try to get all this stuff cleared up, then take a month to build mileage again before I start training for Chicago, and do a lower-mileage program for Chicago than I would have done otherwise.

How's that for longest post ever?!

Friday, March 24, 2017

5 @ aerobic wedged in before I left this morning--kids start spring break today & we're in Chicago for the next two days and Michigan for 3-4 days next week, so the taper for next weekend's race is coming at the perfect time!
31/week, 140.5 for March, 470.7 for the year

Feels really weird to not run more this week but my leg is feeling WAY better with the decreased mileage and lack of speedwork.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Monday, March 20, 2017


10 for me tonight at appropriate LR pace--no pushing it like I have been doing!! Starting my taper/mileage cut to see if it helps that achy leg. Extremely boring TM run--I literally did not make it to the first minute before I started checking mileage and elapsed time. TBH I'm looking forward to tapering because I've been really tired lately.

Saturday, March 18, 2017


5 pretty easy in the woods. SHould have been 7 but I cut it short because I'm worried about my tibia. I do not not not not not want another stress fracture and I am sick with worry that I've got one starting. I don't know if I should take a week off (or more) or pull back a ton with mileage or quit doing speedwork...I've got a race in two weeks and I may just take a week off after that.

37/week; 439.7 year

Friday, March 17, 2017


6.5 easy--went a little too fast for the first 5.5 doing HMP-intervals every 10 minutes and really felt it in that right leg. Fed Matthew at 5.5 and then ran the last mile actually at easy pace without trying to push it.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Monday, March 13, 2017


12 around 9:40 pace. Finished at 11:30 PM as usual. Right leg hurting as it's wont to do; I absolutely hate that I don't know if it's because of the old stress fracture, a new stress reaction, something to do with the ankle damage from a swimming accident when I was a teenager (crushed to the bone and damaged circulation; it's given me problems ever since) or what.

Saturday, March 11, 2017


8.2 on TM @ 9:39. My plan was to run on the TM until Matthew woke up, feed him, and then go outside to finish my run. OF COURSE he is still asleep when he never sleeps this well normally and I've gone over what I needed to run this week by quite a bit.

43.5 for the week; 402.7/387.9 YTD

Friday, March 10, 2017

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Rest day today; easy 3 and yoga, plus an afterschool mini-hike with kids

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


7 at 9:20ish, pretty similar to last week's run. Tempo intervals. Still really feeling how grippy the new TM belt is; it's not running through sand by any means, but it takes a lot more effort!

Monday, March 6, 2017


12 on TM; 9:42/mile. Felt pretty good for an 11 PM run.

Saturday, March 4, 2017


10 total; kind of a weird run. I decided to run on the treadmill since my cough is still really bad and the cold aggravates it...TM display stopped advancing at 4:50. Restarted and it was fine until 8.2 miles, then just totally quit. I unplugged everything and restarted it & got another minute in and it quit again. So I just went outside and finished up the 10 while Neil messed around with the electronics & diagnosed it as a short in the on button. It works again now & hopefully it will keep working, but I will have him teach me how to fix it...I would love for this treadmill to just hold on until after he graduates & gets a job!

Thought about going farther  but checked in at home & Matthew was awake and waiting for me, but at least I got 2 double-digit runs this week.

39 total for the week; 29 for March;  356.2 YTD. I need to run 38.8/week to hit my 2017 goal (I realized that was a more accurate way of tabulating than by month!). I'm also going to start tracking that yearly total based on what I have/what I need.

So yearly total this week: 356.2/349.1

Friday, March 3, 2017

Thursday, March 2, 2017


8 @ 9:20ish with a stop at 5.5 to nurse Matthew

One of my friends said it takes about 200 miles to break in a new treadmill...gosh, I hope so! This thing still feels like a beast to run legs are aching. Or maybe it's all the fitness I lost during pregnancy, or maybe it's week 7 of being sick, or maybe the lack of sleep...ugh. I caught a new cold from Matthew and it's miserable coupled with the cough from the last one that's still hanging on.