Saturday, December 3, 2016


8 very late pretty crappy miles after doing all kinds of Christmas stuff downtown with the kids after a baby shower this morning that completely knocked out my chance for an outside run. Plus the pinkeye I was battling last week came back with a vengeance today when I finally wore contacts again. Stopped at 6 to feed the baby, then realized I was .8 from 40 for the week so I started again and ran 2 more. And now it's midnight.

41.2* for the week; 18.8 for December.

*After a ridiculous amount of inner debate, I decided to count the walking miles on Sundays (1.2 from this week) that I'm doing specifically for the streak in my weekly totals, although I don't count all the other walking miles that I normally do post-run to cool down. But this also bugged me enough that I ran that extra 2 tonight rather than just the .8 so that I could hit the 40 with running miles. Seriously--I have spent WAY too much time thinking about this.


  1. I haven't run since doing a Thanksgiving Pie (3.14 miles--the math teacher side of me just loves that!) with my dad and my 6 year old. Busy with a family wedding that weekend, overwhelmed by life and work this past week, and then I got strep on Thursday. I am always amazed at how you are able to get runs in, and LONG ones. I am such a whimp! I WILL run today...especially after catching up on your week's worth of runs. Wow!

  2. Strep is the WORST! I'm so sorry to hear that you got it--I just got over it before Thanksgiving!! I hope you're feeling better soon and that your run today goes fabulously!
