Friday, November 4, 2016


6 (TM) progression. Started out at easy and then cut 4 minutes off my normal easy pace finishing time since I felt better as the run progressed. I've been really bummed that I'm not running IMM tomorrow, but guess what, I have strep! So...probably good that I've not running. (I'm actually relieved bc now I know why Wednesday's run felt so wretched.) Starting antibiotics today. Didn't do anything yesterday on my SRD (was planning yoga) as I felt HORRIBLE and like I'd swallowed glass/had all my limbs stretched to the point where joints were aching.

Today's run was kinda bizarre but it worked for me--started out at easy pace, ran 1 min. at HMP when I got to 10 minutes, then bumped up base pace by .1 for the next 10, etc. Repeated the bumping-up 3 times but then increased the time at HMP by 1 minute every 10, and bumped those by .1 every 1 minute so the last mile I was running 6 minutes at progressively faster paces, then coming back down for a recovery interval of 2 minutes before starting the pace-bumping up again. 

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