Wednesday, November 30, 2016


5 tempo--started at 11:30 to warm up, up to 8:30, then hung out at 9:12. Super glad to have my run out of the way and not waiting for me at 9 PM!

145.3 for November; 1178.3 for the year.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


6.2 easy that felt really hard. THought about pushing on to 7 but decided my body probably needed to spend the extra time doing yoga...and yikes was I stiff. Lack of baby sleep is really catching up with me today, plus my eye started feeling scratchy during dinner and then was just gushing oozy gross stuff during my run. Ugh...I'm going to go try some of the leftover drops from when the kids had pinkeye last month. (Do those expire?!)

Monday, November 28, 2016


10 on the TM--this is becoming my standard late-night Monday run. Aerobic pace as per Pfitz (about 1:20 faster than easy and 40 seconds slower than MP); pretty tired today after a rough night with the baby.

Saturday, November 26, 2016


Another TM 8; first 7 progression from easy to HMP; last mile easy for cool-down.

36.1 for the week; 124.1 for the month.

Friday, November 25, 2016


8 easy on the TM today after family left--too dark to go outside. I was so beat from all the holiday stuff that it was actually super nice to just zone out on the TM with Netflix.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Well, once again treadmill miles are much slower than road miles! 5k this morning--23:51 which is 7:40/mile. I definitely was pushing it and felt like I was going to throw up any second, but didn't! I did, however, yell at the volunteer who told me to stop so a car could go through an intersection that I was NOT stopping bc I was on pace for a PR, and he better stop the car instead of me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


7 easy; one of those runs where I told myself I could quit after a mile if I needed to...but I don't think I would have kept going if it wasn't easy miles! Five times up with the baby last night + Thanksgiving prep is totally wearing me out. I fully intend to spend at least one day this weekend on my couch doing exactly nothing. Somehow.

Monday, November 21, 2016


10 on the TM; 3-minute "speed" intervals with 2 minutes recovery. I'm just not very fast these days (although the late-night run doesn't help!). Noticing a lot of niggles that I need to work out with the foam roller thanks to all the changes in my form the last year--gotta get all my muscle groups firing again.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


3:31pm Nov 19
6 on TM...was really hoping to get outside today but DH went to work. At least I wedged in 6 which was kind of a feat with an uber-cranky baby. 34 for the week and 88 for the month.

Friday, November 18, 2016


6.5 on TM; pushing pace again trying to get back to a normalish pace. 9:54 for first 3.6; 9:32 for last 2.9; 9:44 overall. First run in some new Mizunos and they felt a little clunky for the first quarter-mile but good after that. It's been about 4 years since I've run in Mizunos but they were $30 cheaper than my favorite Ravennas on RW so I thought I'd give them a try. :-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


4.5 easy. Legs actually felt surprisingly good at the late miles last night. Blisters and chafing, not so much...I don't know what it was yesterday but my skin is raw today!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


10 late-night ones on the TM (finished at 10:42 PM). 10:02/mile; 2:30 intervals, 2:30 recovery...repeat 20 times.

Monday, November 14, 2016


7 with a 40-minute baby break at 4 miles (first 4 @10/mile, last 3 at 9:44/mile). In other news, I'm seriously thinking about doing the local marathon on April 1 that does the loop course 26's close enough that it would remove a lot of the baby-logistics-concerns stuff. If I do I would probably pick a lower-mileage plan and not do more than 40ish a week while really focusing on weight loss and strength...can I reasonably train on that? If I get in to Chicago that's going to be my big goal race next year, so this would be more about gradually building my mileage base before Chicago training.

Saturday, November 12, 2016


6 on TM; avg. 9:55. Intervals with easy recovery for first 2.5 miles, then turned into sort of progression run at HMP finishing at 10k pace. Always easier to run faster when there is a baby who is getting increasingly insistent! Would have liked to get more today, but 32 for the week is 2 more than I've managed the last few months of steady 30 mpw. Hopefully I can build back up to at least 35-40 as baby's schedule gets more predictable, but 2 extra is a good start!

32 for the week; 54 for the month.

Friday, November 11, 2016


Easier 4 @ 10:37 with some intervals thrown in (total 9 min. at HMP). Legs felt pretty heavy since I was up until midnight scraping glue off the concrete subfloor in my kitchen--trying to get floors done before I host Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Took a rest day yesterday bc I was coughing so much and just aching everywhere.

6 TM today at 9:46. Feeling much better, although this was at the pushing-it end of my lung capacity today. Foam rolling afterwards to help that aching IT band.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016


8 on TM at 10:20/mile. Woke up feeling like death so this run actually went much better than I thought...I was seriously considering not running at all today, but I was so stressed that I told myself to just do a mile and then I could quit if I still felt awful.

Saturday, November 5, 2016


5 easy on TM with 1-min HMP intervals every 10 just to remind my legs that things could be worse. Was hoping to get outside for some trails but we ended up starting the reno of our floors today so an after-kids-in-bed run it was. Killer headache, but the sore throat is better today. 
30 for the week; 22 for the month.

Friday, November 4, 2016


6 (TM) progression. Started out at easy and then cut 4 minutes off my normal easy pace finishing time since I felt better as the run progressed. I've been really bummed that I'm not running IMM tomorrow, but guess what, I have strep! So...probably good that I've not running. (I'm actually relieved bc now I know why Wednesday's run felt so wretched.) Starting antibiotics today. Didn't do anything yesterday on my SRD (was planning yoga) as I felt HORRIBLE and like I'd swallowed glass/had all my limbs stretched to the point where joints were aching.

Today's run was kinda bizarre but it worked for me--started out at easy pace, ran 1 min. at HMP when I got to 10 minutes, then bumped up base pace by .1 for the next 10, etc. Repeated the bumping-up 3 times but then increased the time at HMP by 1 minute every 10, and bumped those by .1 every 1 minute so the last mile I was running 6 minutes at progressively faster paces, then coming back down for a recovery interval of 2 minutes before starting the pace-bumping up again. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


5 blah TM miles. Started out at aerobic and my legs/lungs were just too tired...took it down to somewhere between easy and aerobic and was just barely on the safe side of sideaches. I need more sleep!! Planning SRD and yoga tomorrow--hopefully that will help a bit.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


6 easy on TM. Didn't finish until 11:15 PM...busy busy busy day.

In other news, entered the Chicago Marathon lottery--notification is December 13th. Fingers crossed!!!