Saturday, October 8, 2016


10 glorious miles in the beautiful October weather today! Really good run--I was pushing hard and definitely felt like I left it all out there on the trails today. So actually it would have been a great race effort but probably not so good for just a regular training run, but...yeah. I'll have to take it easier next weekend in preparation for tapering.

9:27 with most of my splits pretty tightly in the 9:20 range. 3 sub-9 miles (mile 4 @ 8:57, 5 @8:25, 10 @ 8:51). Mile 8 was uphill the whole way and so dang hard--10:57. I was seriously trashed after that one--I was planning an out-and-back but Neil called to let me know that Matthew was going crazy so I met him planning to nurse Matthew at mile 5, but Matthew had fallen I ended up doing 5 laps on the mile-long hill that I knew would be super killer instead of the 2 I'd planned, since it was adjacent to the playground where Neil was hanging out with the kids. But I did manage to get the whole run done before Matthew really wanted to nurse, which is nice since it's always soooo hard to start again once I'm cooled down and shivering like crazy feeding the baby! (Shades of training for my first marathon and running 18 miles on the treadmill at 10 pm and stopping to nurse Nathan at mile 14 and then getting back on the TM...) I think the worst part right now is that my sports bra feels like it's cutting off my ability to get a deep breath and my chest always hurts--have to wear super compression ones right now with such a young baby and it is not fun at all.

23 miles for the week, 26 for the month, 958 for the year.


  1. Hi Rachael--I sort of feel like a stalker...but I have to comment again because I also ran 10 miles today. Once upon a time I did two half marathons but they were disappointing at best after fairly successful training experiences. These days I do not run nearly as far as you...but I made a goal to get around the 10 mile trail loop near my house before it snowed this year. I have been increasing my "long" run day on the weekend .5-1 mile each week. The gorgeous weather (I am near Chicago) this morning just made it all the better. I think you are amazing because you beat me by 2 mins and I didn't just have a baby! I remember postpartum running to be very uncomfortable.

  2. Susie, I always love hearing from you!! Congrats on your 10 miles today--so fun to hear that you are near Chicago! I've been thinking about the marathon tomorrow all day as I have lots of friends running it (hopefully I will be there next year!) Sounds like you are taking a great approach to your training by judiciously increasing that long run. Congrats again on meeting your before-the-snow goal! :-)
