Well, running w as interesting the last few weeks. I got in a lot more cross-training and hiking than actual running...it's just SO dang hard to fit it in on vacation with all the driving and minimal sleep. Most of the time we were accommodating someone else's schedule which also made it really hard to fit in runs.
Saturday after my 5 I drove to Iowa and spent Saturday and Sunday night there with our dear friends. Walked about 2 miles Sunday. Drove to Denver Monday, drove to Utah Tuesday and ran 5 m up the canyon. Altitude wasn't too bad but I felt like I was working SO hard and the uphill was murderous--I was FLYING on the way back and I think my last mile was 8:48?
Wednesday I got up at 6 am and did 4 on the TM. We spent the whole day at Thanksgiving Point. I was so dead tired by the end of the day and my ankle hurt like crazy. Thursday we went to Salt Lake and it was again super-exhausting. No run. Friday was an awful day--Neil's flight got delayed 3 times, then cancelled, and it was really stressful--he was supposed to get in that night. I ended up with 5 at the hottest part of the day and it was just miserable--one of those runs where my mouth filled with stomach acid and I just felt like crap. Saturday I'd planned to do my LR, but without Neil there I ended up walking all over BYU campus with the kids, then drove to Salt Lake, picked him up, and we hiked about 2.5 miles way up AF canyon with the kids. It was magical and helped me to get in a better frame of mind for dinner with the in-laws. Sunday was church and more in-laws (both were super late nights and I was exhausted). Monday I'd planned to run, but then the guys left to play basketball at 6 and didn't get back until almost 9, which burned my running time, so we hiked 4 miles and then I ran a horrible awful miserable 2 miles on the TM when we got back and walked another. It was seriously the worst run I've had in ages--I was just so tired. Nathan woke up SO many times every single night and I didn't get more than 4 hrs of sleep the whole trip (best night was in Iowa when he woke up 14 times, and then I had to drive 10 hrs to Denver the next day).
So that finished out May with 97 miles, which was kind of a huge bummer.
Tuesday we drove to Idaho and went out on the lake. I couldn't ski (pregnant) so I held Nathan and cheered for everyone else. Wednesday we drove to Yellowstone and hiked a bit that evening. Hiked more on Thursday, including a gorgeous venture to Mystic Falls. Hiked more Friday, then drove to Rapid City Saturday and home on Sunday (long long day--15 hrs in the car and got to bed at 4 am after unpacking while dealing with super cranky kids who were refusing sleep).
5 mile progression run today that felt pretty good. Started at easy pace and gradually worked up to HMP. Total was 54 minutes at 10:48/mile (so much slower than my slowest run in Utah, but oh well!). Walked .5 m to cool down.
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