Saturday, July 4, 2015


Wow, I haven't done a good job updating this week.

9 on Wednesday; ran it too fast--I think about 9:50?

12 on Friday; was really trying to hold it back on pace since I should be running it at 10:37/mile at most according to the Pfitz tables, but I ended up averaging 9:50. My slowest mile was 10:11 (uphill for that mile) and the rest were sub-10. I did pick up the speed on the way back after accidentally pepper-spraying myself and ran fartleks the last mile just trying to get home to wash off the burning, so the last mile was 8:04. Yikes!

4 recovery today, which I MADE myself run on the treadmill to keep the pace down (10:45). Got another pair of new shoes today (Ravenna 5s) at the holiday sale.

So this whole run slow to run fast thing is really hard for me mentally, but...I am trying! Everyone on my RW forum insists that it will work, as does all the literature I've read on it, so I am crossing my fingers. Just feels so weird to run 2 minutes per mile slower than I would normally, but I guess I'm upping training volume, so there you have it.

35 miles this week; 25 of which were in July.

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