Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Last of the month! I was scheduled for cross today (still planning to bike tonight to a meeting at the church and back), but mowed the lawn and realized I was so sweaty and gross that I'd need a shower anyway, so I ran a couple of (slooow) miles just to pop me up over 139. So 141 for all of June.

2 miles + .5 walking to cool down

Monday, June 29, 2015


12 last Saturday; started out working for a very easy pace (10/mile); held that for the first six and then picked it up for the second half when I still felt good; kept it under 9:20 and then picked it up the last 2 at 8:46. Ran west of town route again, giving me 33 for the week and 131 for the month to date.

Monday: 8 on TM; LT run with 4 at HMP (8:50). This felt pretty hard; could definitely feel the effects of getting less than 4 hours of sleep last night. 2 to warm up and 2 to cool down; averaging about 9:30/mile; 139 month to date.

Friday, June 26, 2015


6/23: scheduled cross, biked for an hour with kids and walked for 40 minutes with Neio
6/24: 8 (TM) at 9:30/mile, miserable and dizzy--started antibiotics, walked half-mile to cool down.
6/25: rest day. went to bed early and slept for 13 hours straight
6/26: felt SO MUCH BETTER. Hard to hold it to an easy pace! 5 (TM during thunderstorm) at 9:22/mile, half-mile walk to cool down

Monday, June 22, 2015


LT run today
2 m warmup (started at 10/mile and worked up to 9:/22)
3 m @ HMP (8:49 m)=26:27
2 m cooldown (ran this too fast)--around 9:05/mile

Overall thoughts--still sick enough that the HMP in the middle felt hard, but sustainable--not as easy as I wish it did. I definitely ran the cooldown part too fast and need to work on that in future, but I think I did a decent job on the warmup.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


12.16 this morning on the roads at 9:54/mile. I'm nursing YET ANOTHER cold so I didn't push super hard, but finished feeling good (I was chugging turmeric milk last night trying to get rid of my sore throat and it definitely helped a lot). Today's run was fun because it was a route I've never run--I got up a couple hours before anyone else and ran out on the back roads to a cherry orchard to meet DH & kids. Beautiful early morning, nice temps, but 97% humidity and I ate my quota of bugs for the month since they were in visible swarms all over the place (when I was showering afterwards I could see tons of gnats going down with the water. Gross!). Used Bear's chia/lime/honey mixture again and I can definitely recommend it (I just filled up one of my belt bottles with it and had some every 4 miles). Pretty much nobody on the roads, since I was way out, so I just ran down the center line most of the time. My family passed me just when I was starting to flag a little around 9 miles and seeing them gave me my second wind and I clocked my last 3 miles about a minute per mile faster than I'd been going wanting to catch up with them. Totally freaked me out though until I recognized them because I couldn't understand why the car wasn't passing me and all these people were yelling! Picked cherries, then headed home for a shower before we went over to Delphi for the Kids' Canal Days (which ended up being postponed since the canal was 3 ft higher than normal, but it was still pretty fun). 

34 for week, 98 for the month. 

Friday, June 19, 2015


SRD yesterday; scheduled for 3 today but ran 4 (TM). 9:20/mile and then walked a mile to cool down. Still feeling pretty tired and worn out from whatever sickness the kids have been passing around (man oh man what I would give for a single night of sleep from 10 pm to 6 am!!!!)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Treadmill today; scheduled for 3 but ran 5 and walked another half-mile to cool down. 8 x 400-meter repeats varying between 8:12-8:49/mile, then another cool-down mile at 9:30, then walking.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


7 miles on the trails/roads tonight and then an hour of mowing my lawn
post-run (finished after dark so we'll see how that looks tomorrow!). I was
scheduled for a shorter run but after a really crazy day (including my
youngest son throwing up in my hands just as I was changing into my running
clothes) I decided I needed a few more miles tonight to get the stress out,
so I swapped it with Wednesday's run. Beautiful weather but man it was
muddy--took my newest shoes and I think they are officially broken in now
that they have mud all the way across the tops. I left all my tech behind
and it was great to run by feel and just listen to my own thoughts (well,
and the annoying hecklers & catcallers. What is it about warm weather and
rolled-down windows making people so obnoxious?!).

Honey-lime-chia drink to replace nutrients, as per the advice of one of my running board buddies. Loved it and will definitely be using it again. 

Monday, June 15, 2015


6 miles on the treadmill today; Neil left really early so no chance to run outside before the sun was up. Did some low intervals (6.2/6.6).

Stopped at 4.7 to get Nate up; it was thundering and he is terrified of thunder, so he woke up from his nap screaming and sobbing. Poor kid! Picked up the pace for the last 1.3 to finish before he flipped out again. (6.6/6.8)

6 miles; 9:25/mile

Definitely can tell I'm more fatigued with the higher mileage. We'll see how this week goes; I'm transitioning midweek runs to higher miles.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Another quick posting here--5 on the treadmill yesterday and 12 on the
treadmill today. 4 of my kids are now sick and I was up half the night
every night this week, so no chance of getting out before it was hot. Still
feeling so shaky myself, even 4 days after my fever ended, that I didn't
want to run outside and get stranded somewhere; last 6 miles I had to stop
every 2 miles and drink like crazy because I was so dizzy (even had to
change my entire outfit at mile 6 because I was so soaked). Totally runs
that I was just gutting out through the misery, but at least I managed to
finish that 12 today. Can't wait to rest tomorrow!

33 for the week and 64 for the month. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015


5 on the treadmill today at 9:30. Still feverish and my knee is really really bothering me, despite lots of foam roller. So frustrating! I'm hoping that it's inflamed because of my fever rather than the other way around; going to try some ibuprofen and see if it helps. .4 walking to cool down.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


6 for me tonight, plus a mile walking to cool down. Ran 5 on the trails
(super sloppy after all that rain yesterday!) with my very favorite running
partner, who is moving to Virginia on Friday. It was definitely
bittersweet. I was feeling so crummy that I for sure would have taken a
rest day had it not been my last chance to run with her, so we just took it
slower than we would normally. Got home and Neil was running so I did
his last mile with him around the 'hood and then walked together for
cooldown. I'm hoping that I sweated out the last of this weird illness!
(Just fever and fatigue; nothing else!)

Monday, June 8, 2015


5 on the treadmill. Spent all of yesterday in bed with a fever so kept it slow today at 9:30/mile. Right knee has been aching for about a week now and I think I'm starting to have some IT band issues again--time to really hit it with the roller.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

6/5 and 6/6

6/5: Very boring 5 on the treadmill. Can't remember the pace.

6/6: 5 on the trails with one of my college roommates who stopped by for the night with her family (en route to Utah). It was fun to catch up with her. Sub 9s but not positive since my GPS never picked up.

31 for the week/month.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Blah 4 yesterday on the treadmill; I got really dizzy at one point and almost fell off. 9:28/mile

Same pace tonight but infinitely better. Gorgeous 12.3 tonight--I mapped out a route before I left home and then once I got going I decided to just run where I felt like running. I haven't
done one of those in awhile and it was really lovely, although it totally
kicked my butt because apparently where I felt like running was down to the
river bottoms and then back up! Lots and lots of hills, but as I was
running uphill at mile 9 I was thinking about how strong I felt and about
all the people I passed on that hill a couple of years ago (it was mile 13
of the Purdue half before they changed the course because of complaints
about that hill) and how awesome it is to have a body capable of running.
So I guess that endorphin high was going strong! I did notice that my legs
felt a lot better running in my lighter Sauconys but my feet feel better
with the support of my Brooks, which I've worn to death and I can't wait
for my new ones to get here this week. SRD for me tomorrow, but I'll
probably do some yoga/hiking with the kids to shake any stiffness out.

Monday, June 1, 2015


First run of June! Randomly really nice weather today so I ran outside this afternoon. My Garmin never picked up the satellites so I had no clue how I was doing--I finally just turned it on timer mode for the last half of my run. When I got home I mapped it and realized I'd been doing 8:33 miles, so that was a nice surprise. Gotta love how much easier it is to run outside!

5.1 miles @ 8:33/mile