Monday, May 20, 2013


Holy cow!  This was one exhausting day.  I sat down to nurse, to eat dinner (ate breakfast in the car this morning and lunch racing around the kitchen), and to write thank-you notes for a few minutes in the afternoon.  Seriously insane.  I finally got Nathan settled at 9:50 PM and that was the first time I had a chance to run!

Stopped to massage a cramp out of the arch of my foot at 3.1 miles; ran at a pretty good clip most of the time but boy am I exhausted--lots of different parts of me were aching.  Rolled my IT bands with the foam roller afterwards; hopefully that will help.  And now to shower before Nathan wakes up again.

4 miles; 9:26/mile + 1 mile walking to cool down

Saturday, May 18, 2013


5 miles tonight over the hills with the Garmin.  I ran one of my usual routes--through heavy woods--and it kept losing the GPS signal, so sometimes it would say I was running 7:07/mile and then the next time I looked down it would say 16:38/mile.  And then on the way back it started going backwards--the first time I looked it said 3.68 miles and then the next time it said 3.65, then 3.64, etc.  I ran an out-and-back route and it took about .12 off the mileage on the way back.  Overall, I really liked running with the Garmin (first time! finally!) but I think I may have to just not plan on using it in the woods.  I was SO glad to get out and run today--I was tired and had a stomachache that's lasted for 24 hours, and I was tired enough that I tripped over a few roots, but it was so so so so good to get away from the crazy.

Stopped at 4.7 miles when I ran into Juliet's friend's mom, with whom I wanted to talk about running.  Ran the last .3 miles at 7:30 because I was worried about getting home in time to feed Nathan; I think most of the rest of the run was around 10/mile or less (until it started going backwards on the mileage I was about 9:40/mile going by time & accumulated distance).

5 miles, lots of hills

Friday, May 17, 2013


Ran in the morning rather than the afternoon, since I wanted to spend some one-on-one time with Isaac this afternoon (Jules is staying at kindergarten all day for a party).  Had to stop at .65 miles to get Luker an apple and then at 2 miles to get him some water and change the laundry over to the dryer.

But even with the treadmill time stops, I still managed to cut off a few more seconds from my time on Wednesday--I averaged 9:27/mile (or 9:20 if I take out the stop times).  Getting better!

4 miles; 9:27/mile

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Another 4 on the treadmill; I'd really love to be running at 6 am again outside.  I'm trying to find a running partner, but everyone I used to run with has moved, so it's hard.

Had to stop at 1 and 3.3 to take care of Nathan, who kept waking up and needed a pacifier insertion.  Very similar run to Monday--started at 10/mile and worked up to 8:34 at the end.

4 miles; 9:32/mile

Monday, May 13, 2013


Ran Friday but I forgot the details--I was really dizzy and nauseated before, during, and after the run, plus I had to feed Nathan immediately afterwards.  4 miles & slower than Wednesday.

Started today at 10/mile and worked up to 8:49 at the end.  Had to stop at 2.2 and 3.1 to tell the kids to be quieter so they wouldn't wake up the two littles napping.

4 miles, average pace (including treadmill speed-up times) 9:33.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Treadmill tonight; started out at 10/mile, ran that for 3 minutes, dropped down to 10:54/mile for 2 minutes, then back up to 10/mile, gradually worked up to 9:05/mile, then back down to end at 9:31/mile.  Overall pace was 9:33/mile, including the speed-up time from a quick water break at the 5K mark.  I'm a little worried that the treadmill is under-estimating the mileage by a few seconds per mile.

4 miles; 9:33 avg pace
.5 walking to cool down at 20/mile

Monday, May 6, 2013

On the road again

Neil & I took advantage of my mom's presence here yesterday during naptime and walked 3 miles through the blossomy sweet-smelling woods yesterday after church.  It was so lovely that I wanted to recreate it again tonight.  He got home from work just in time to kiss the kids goodnight and then we headed out into the dusk and ran 4 miles over my favorite route.  It's been so long since I've run this and it was a gorgeous, perfect, wonderful run.  I felt like myself for the first time in so long as I was running down the center line of a deserted road headed for the horizon.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Second postpartum run

So my goal with these runs is to just add a mile every time until I'm back to four and then run at that for awhile before I go back up to five.  After Luke was born I ran 4 miles 5 days later at a pretty good clip and I ended up back on bedrest from all the bleeding.  So I'm trying to work it up more gradually this time.

2 miles today, started out at 12/mile and worked up to 9:40/mile by the end.  Felt great!  I did, however, make the rookie mistake of stopping immediately when I hit the 2 mile mark and not walking at all--I got really dizzy and had to sit down.  Overall pace was 10:54 a mile, including one stop at 4 minutes to pull the blanket down from Nathan's face.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

catching up

Okay, here goes:

Thursday: walked 4 miles
Friday: already in labor, walked about 2.5 miles with Neil & the boys trying to regularize contractions, walked another 15-20 minutes around the circumference of the hospital parking lot, walked another 1/3 mile in the hospital halls before the contractions were too bad and Neil had to carry me back to the delivery room (he was born about an hour later).  Really, really, really rough delivery.  Like really awful.  I could barely get out of bed for the next couple of days.

Monday: walked half a mile and it totally did me in for the day.
Tuesday: walked 1.2 miles and did half an hour of yoga
Wednesday: (today, 5 days postpartum) ran a slow mile (about 11:20) to see what I would feel like later.  Didn't want to push it because I'm taking the kids to the zoo after I take baby Nathan to the pediatrician.