Really struggled on Tuesday with debilitating pain after Monday's run. I did an hour of yoga on Tuesday and it didn't help at all--everything just ached so much. I was literally unable to sit in my chair by dinnertime because the spikes of pain through my thighs and hip flexors were so bad. I finally spent a couple of hours in a super-hot bath and that seemed to stop the involuntary muscle spasms, but it was still a painful evening.
So on Wednesday I decided to walk instead of run. I walked the standard 4 miles and while I still had some hip-spasms, it wasn't as unbearable as with running.
Walked 3 miles this afternoon and then another 2 miles this evening, most of it at 17:08/mile (warm-up and cool-down were slightly slower). Stopped when the pain in my bad ankle was too bad to continue; took my sock off to see that it was swollen to at least twice its normal size.
Pregnancy is awesome!
Well Duh.