So today was crazy busy and I was really exhausted and I didn't have time to run this afternoon, and after taking the kids to the grocery store I didn't want to run this evening. So I spent an hour mowing the lawn, and then I read an article about the Ragnars and I decided I should just run a little in order to justify my post-lawn-mowing shower. And since I didn't want to run very far, I decided to try for my goal of a 7-minute mile that I set last year and then put on the back burner during my pregnancy.
So I did it!!!! I ran a 6:59 mile!!!! YAY!!! And then I decided I might as well run a little further, so I ran another mile at 7:30 pace, and then I went to go tell Neil, and he wasn't very excited because he was working and he just mumbled, oh, I knew you could do it, and then I decided I might as well go run another mile while I waited for him to finish, so I ran another mile, and then I had to go to the bathroom and then I thought after that I might as well run a 4th mile since Neil still wasn't done.
So...1st mile at 6:59, another mile, stop, mile, stop, mile, average pace for the whole run was 7:22 for 4 miles.
I broke the 7-minute barrier!!!! YAY!!!
Nice job!