Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Speedwork today.  I've been fighting a really killer headache since about 10 pm last night (the kind where you're lying with a wet towel on your head at midnight wishing you were unconscious) and it definitely kicked in while I was running--I think I just haven't been drinking enough, which ALWAYS triggers headaches for me.

So I ran the first 7 400-meter repeats okay (although I did stop after the 6th set to take a drink), but during the 7th, my head starting pounding so much I was having trouble staying upright.  I slowed down and kept running, then slowed down some more.  It's sort of okay now, but I need to be drinking a LOT more--I didn't hydrate well over the weekend, since I wasn't home Friday through Sunday, and I'm paying for it now.

First 7 400-meter repeats at 8:00/mile out and 8:20/mile back
gradual slowing during last 2 repeats, ending run at 8:41/mile

STATS:  9x400-meter repeats (4.5 miles), 37 minutes, avg pace 8:13/mile

Okay, so I really feel pretty crappy right now.  Stupid headache, I loathe you.  

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