Thursday, October 1, 2015


Well, that may have been the stupidest thing I've ever done. Went to the PT this morning for an assessment and it's weak glutes & tight hip flexors again. Decided to run long tonight and see how I felt...I only got in 14 before it was too late/dark to do any more, and it did not feel good. Actually, my leg went sort of numb after about 5 miles, and then I stopped at 9 to call Neil, and then I ran a couple of miles uphill and then it was just awful after that. Not even so much the pain as just the fact that it was pitch-black, I absolutely could not see the ground under my feet, and I was just trying to make it home without falling or getting kidnapped.

And then I got home and sobbed the whole time I was stretching out because I'm pretty sure it's goodbye marathon,