Thursday, February 20, 2014


Still doing an awful job logging everything! I'm still sticking to the schedule. I'm a little worried about not being able to run outside much, but I did finally get outside on Saturday for 5.25 miles in the snow and it was great. I'm hoping the monotony of the mental effort required for the treadmill will help in the race itself.

15 mile long run last week was pretty hard--I did a lot of hills and I really felt it. This week I ran 4 on Monday, 8 on Tuesday, rest on Wed, and then ran 16 tonight. I just kept it at incline 1 the entire time (TMI alert, but I was having some random bleeding out of the blue so I took a couple of iron pills and just tried to take it easier than I would have normally). Took breaks at 4.2, 9, 12, and 14.5 for water and energy shots.
Slowly sped up over the last seven miles--I really was feeling pretty strong (impressive since it's midnight and I have been super dragging for days...I think the iron made a HUGE difference already) and finished at 8:00/mile. 9:36 average pace.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


4 miles of hill repeats--ran half a mile to warm up, then 2 minutes at 6% incline, 2 minutes at 0, 1 minute at 7%, 2 minutes at 0, and then repeat. I did four sets and I was so nauseated that I just ran the last few minutes at 0 to cool down. Then I laid on the floor until the room stopped spinning and the urge to vomit passed. Running, I love you!

4 miles hill repeats 9:19/mile

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Not doing a great job logging these! Still doing all the runs...I guess I'll just write down what I write down and call it good.

7 miles today, tried to replicate the marathon course's hills again. 8:51/mile