Wednesday, December 25, 2013


I was planning to go running with a friend this morning, but she got tied up and so I just ran on the treadmill this afternoon. Did some mild hills, but mostly just focused on more speed than I've done lately. Stopped at 2.6 to attend to the baguettes I had going and then finished out the 5; overall pace was 8:28/mile. Felt great!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Christmas Eve! Only 2 miles today because I don't want to push it too much after 10 twelve hours previously. And I'm hoping to run harder tomorrow, so again, want to save up for that. In actuality, there's no way I could have gone longer today since hello, it's Christmas Eve and I'm the mom in charge of everything and there's a baby sitting on my bed waiting for me to stop so he can nurse.

Monday, December 23, 2013


Friday: 4
Saturday: 3

Today: scheduled for 5 and ended up running 10 because I had nothing better to do. All on the treadmill; 9:12/mile. Stopped for water a few times and thought about stopping but I really had nothing else to do other than just wait for Neil to get home...I had a big stack of interesting books but for some bizarre reason I felt more like running.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Tuesday: 3 miles easyish
Wednesday: 5 miles; quite a few hills
Thursday: 4 miles

I'm not running super fast these days since I'm missing out on rest days, but I'm trying to focus on mileage and hill work and making sure I'm in the 9-9:30ish range.

Monday, December 16, 2013

12/16: Long run

I figured that as long as I have "long runs" scheduled that are actually still pretty short I might as well do them on Monday seems like I have more time & energy then. Running outside is impossible right now since there is about 8 inches of snow and ice all over.

So I ran on the treadmill and just tried to do lots of hills to simulate being outside. I think it actually ended up being much hillier than any runs I normally do. I ran it more slowly than I usually do (per the advice on the Hal Higdon training--he said 30-90 seconds slower per mile for the long runs than what you're planning for the actual race. I figured slow and steady with hill work is better than speediness on the flat...I hope!)  Anyway, ran the 7 with no stops in 67 minutes, so about 9:34/mile. Kept it at level 1 incline for all the "flat" parts and then just slowly went up and down (2,3,4,5,4,3,2) every mile or so for a minute at each incline level.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


3 today to bring me up to the weekly 26 that I've hit for the last 3 weeks.  I'm definitely feeling like I need to be following some kind of more specific training plan--I've been doing long runs earlier in the week and then never really taking a rest day and then by the end of the week I'm so tired! I'll have to rethink this. And I think I'm going to take the plunge and tentatively start marathon training...I found a good race in April for which I can wait to sign up until March 31.

Friday, December 13, 2013


4 yesterday, another 4 today. My hip was really painful this afternoon but was fine this evening...I was only planning to run a mile but I was waiting for Neil and I ended up having time to run 4. 8:20/mile for the 4 today; can't remember what it was yesterday but it was definitely slower.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Still going on my (sunday-less) streak.

Monday: 6 miles, under 9/mile
Tuesday: 4 miles...can't remember the time but I felt great
Wednesday: 5 miles...could have gone longer, but my hip hurt after my Monday run so I thought I better stop and use the extra time to walk (.8 mile cooldown) and stretch really well

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Blast, I haven't blogged in awhile! I haven't felt like this has been a great week for running. The kids have been really sick and it's just seemed like I have NO time.

Wednesday: 3 miles (trying to take it easy)
Thursday: 3 miles--ended up not being able to run until really late and I just ran out of time
Friday: 4 miles--did speedwork and was planning to go longer but Nathan woke up and was going crazy
Saturday: 6 miles...never managed to go faster than 8:52/mile. My legs were just tired from daily running on too little sleep...the kids have been up half the night for the last few nights (so bad that on Thursday morning I just went back to bed once I had kids at school and down for naps)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


6 on the treadmill tonight--tired and my knee was aching.  Had to stop at 2 miles to turn off the oven; stopped at 5 for water and decided to go another mile. 9:06/mile average pace (started out slow to warm up and gradually increased; last couple of miles were about 8:46)

Monday, December 2, 2013


Not sure how I feel about tonight's run--I wanted to do some hill training. Ran for 5 minutes to warm up, then ran 90 seconds at a level 6 incline, 90 seconds at zero, then 60 seconds at 7 incline, then 120 seconds at zero. I repeated that...four times? I think? cranking up the speed on each repeat until I was at 6.8 and then I was really getting pretty tired so I just ran for awhile.  At 3.6 I stopped for water, planning to run another 2-3 miles, but when I started up again Nathan started screaming--I ran to 4 miles and he was screaming even more, so I ended up having to nurse him and change him and rock him to sleep again.  And now it's 11:30, I'm totally cooled off (and freezing cold) and much as I would like to hop back on and run another couple of miles, I think the sensible thing to do is to go shower and go to bed.  Even if I feel guilty about doing so...despite the fact that I didn't really have a goal in mind tonight and 4 miles of hill workout is perfectly respectable, but still...