I haven't blogged here in a long time, but I've been doing the same thing I did with my last pregnancy--4 miles 3 times a week and yoga on a couple of the off days. I'm not running very quickly (39 minutes for my 4 miles today) and to be honest it's pretty hard. I definitely am struggling a lot more with this pregnancy and just feeling sick the majority of the time (thanks, ovarian cyst, you're such a fun pal to have around!). But I'm still going...for now. I have been keeping that 3 times, at least, but the off days are definitely a relief because I'm so sick.
I ran outside last Friday for the first time since the half-marathon, and yikes! So much harder when it's freezing cold. I started having contractions after a couple of miles and had to take a little walking break; similar thing at the end of my run today--I couldn't even stand up. We'll see how much longer this goes! I definitely have room to step back on pace and mileage, but I'm hoping that I can keep it up a bit longer; I feel like I've lost so much ground over the last year that I hate to see more go so quickly.