Monday, November 29, 2010


Back on the treadmill again today...I didn't run Saturday because I spent the day curled in the fetal position wishing to be unconscious.  Moving on.

Four miles today, which brings my grand total for the month of November to a paltry 34.  Impressive, right?  All that bed rest.  I've been doing yoga two or three times a week on the other days.

Pushed myself a little (not much) harder today, now that I know that we are theoretically back in a safe zone.  Started out at 6 mph, gradually moved up to 6.5, and stayed there for the last 21 minutes of the run.  Still slow, slow, slow, but I'm just glad that I'm running.

STATS:  4 miles; 9:22/mile (avg)

Friday, November 26, 2010


Same route as Wednesday, but not nearly as fun!  Twenty-four degrees, snow, wind, and ice.  Ick.  But we did it...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


First run in a week, after lots of bleeding, ultrasounds, and hospital visits.  Awesome, right?!  Some of the days I was on bedrest and some I just did yoga (3 times, I think).

Neil and I ran together today for the first time since the half--it was SO nice to run with him again.  Love that man.  We ran a trail that was my favorite all through high school--a couple miles of road, and another couple through a bog and woods.  About four and a half total; beautiful cold November weather and a bit of ice on the trail.  Lovely!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Saw my OB today, who gave me the go-ahead to keep running.  She told me she was impressed by my level of fitness, which made me feel so warm and toasty inside, especially since I haven't been feeling particularly fit lately!  She was so supportive, which was wonderful. 

I ran four miles tonight after the kids were in bed and felt fantastic.  I love running so much; I'm so glad that I can keep going for awhile!  I need to order a support band in the next month or so, I think--from what I've read they help you keep your speed up as the pregnancy progresses. 

Lately I've been reading natural childbirthing stories while I run, in an effort to educate myself more about the positive aspects of labor (as opposed to the horror stories that I have heard countless times).  I think it's a nice idea in the abstract, but the reality is that I keep laughing aloud as I'm running and reading particularly choice sentences to Neil.  Which is probably not going to help in achieving the desired effect of calmness and serenity (but really, when someone is talking about how all the midwives mooed with them and it was the best thing ever--seriously?)

Monday, November 15, 2010

11/12, 11/15

The running still feels good!  Hurray!  Last week I still took it a little easy--I ran 3 on Saturday in addition to the 2 Monday and the 4 on Friday, and then did yoga on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  I am in love with yoga again; although I don't feel like it gives me the same kind of workout that running does, the stretching and the connection to my body are so good for me right now.  It's nice to take some time to just feel centered and relaxed and back away from my to-do list, especially since I always have some form of entertainment while running.

Four miles today--felt fantastic.  Still running more slowly than I'd usually like, but as long as I stay under a 10-minute mile I guess I won't worry too much. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/8, 11/10

So here's the thing.  I stayed on bedrest through Wednesday of last week, at which point things were improved (i.e. no bleeding).  Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I took it easy, but not bedrest-easy.  Like still doing things around the house but trying to lie down for awhile in the afternoon and going to bed early.  I slept 12 hours both Friday and Saturday nights.

I felt awesome on Monday.  My sore throat was gone and my stuffed-up sinuses felt so much better.  And I thought about how the nurse said I could "gradually" work back up to more activity, including possibly running, at some point.

I know this may seem stupid, but I really feel like the bleeding was connected to the fact that I threw up and was coughing nonstop--which hasn't happened during my entire pregnancy to date--rather than my running.  You'd think that the half-marathon would have caused issues if the running was the problem. 

And then I thought about it some more and prayed about it too (yep!).  And talked to Neil about it and got his approval, and my mom, who is not a fan of running in the first place but agreed with my not running-but-sickness-inducing-bad-things reasoning. 

So...I ran.

Only two miles, and 10-minute miles rather than my normal pace.  Then I walked another 2 miles.  It felt GREAT to run again.  So, so, so great.  I had more energy the rest of the day and I slept much better that night.

So then I kind of waited to see if anything happened--no cramping, no bleeding.

So I did a prenatal yoga DVD yesterday. 

Still fine.

So I ran 4 miles today (the first two were 10-minute miles, but honestly, it was so slow that it was harder to run, so I bumped up the speed a wee bit and my overall average pace was 9:36/mile.  Still felt awesome.

Now we'll see what happens. 

I'm hoping that if I go to my doctor next week and say, look, I've been running--less than usual and slower than usual but still running--that she will okay it officially.  Whereas I think if I stayed on bedrest and THEN asked her if I could run, the answer would probably be no, because she isn't a runner and tends to be pretty conservative.  And then by the time I got cleared to run again (after the 20-week ultrasound would be the earliest date, I'm guessing?) it would be too late to start again.

So, I'm hoping that this works out and that I don't end up regretting running.  I'm not trying to outsmart the doctor, or sneak around my body's and the baby's needs, but I don't want to give up something that is beneficial if it's not causing problems.  It is still kind of nerve-wracking, however...

Monday, November 1, 2010


I ran four on Friday and four this morning.

I felt awful this morning--like I was coming down with something.  I was hoping I'd feel better after I ran, but no such luck, instead I ended up throwing up an hour later.  And having some other unpleasant symptoms (I'll spare you the details), but now I'm terrified that I'm miscarrying.